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WoWOct 23, 2024 7:00 am CT

When does the WoW 20th anniversary event end?

Balloons shaped like "20"

World of Warcraft turns 20 years old on November 23, but the celebration kicks off sooner: WoW’s 20th anniversary event started on October 22. But even if you don’t have time to dive right into the festivities, WoW’s 20th anniversary celebration lasts until January 6, 2o25, so there’s plenty of time to play and collect all of the rewards.

While it lasts, the anniversary offers plenty of rewards, though they come at high prices. We may find ourselves needing the event’s 11-week runtime to collect them all. So head out to the Caverns of Time and join the party (or the grind) — there’s a lot to do and only 11 weeks to do it in.

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