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HearthstoneOct 23, 2024 2:30 pm CT

Build a better Zombeast in the Rise of the Zombeasts Tavern Brawl

All right, you primitive screw-heads, listen up! It’s time, once again, for the Hearthstone Rise of the Zombeasts Tavern Brawl! There’s an army of Zombeasts coming and only you can stop them. No, not with your BOOMSTICK, but with your own army of Zombeasts.

Read on for a quick guide to help you win this week’s Brawl!

Rise of the Zombeasts Tavern Brawl 101

  • Name: Rise of the Zombeasts
  • Description: “It’s a monstrous mirror match! Take control of a deck teeming with random Zombeasts and spells while using a discounted hero power to craft your undead army!”
  • Fun level: 4/10
  • Difficulty: 5/10
  • Replayability: 8/10
  • Format: Wild
  • Type: PVP
  • Deck: Provided
  • Rewards: 1 Standard pack (this can contain any card from any set in the current Standard rotation)

For this Brawl, you play as Deathstalker Rexxar from the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. His custom Hero Power is Build-a-Beast. It lets you construct a Zombeast from which the Brawl gets its name.

The Zombeast is a combination of two Beast minions. You’ll get a Discover type choice of three Beasts for the first half of your Zombeast, and then another Discover type choice for the second half. The finished Zombeast has the combined stats and mana cost of both Beasts. It also contains any Battlecry, Rush, Deathrattle, or other enhancements. The Build-a-Beast Hero Power costs zero Mana instead of the usual two.

You are provided a deck of random Hunter spells as well as random premade Zombeasts. Rexxar also only has 20 Health rather than the usual 30. To get the match going quickly, each player starts with 3 Mana.

How to win the Rise of the Zombeasts Tavern Brawl

You want to prefer proactive spells in the mulligan. Any spell that damages enemy minions or the enemy Hero fits the bill. After that, look for premade Zombeasts with a cost of 5 Mana or less, and either Rush, Stealth, Taunt, or Poisonous.

The low Hero health favors an aggressive mindset. Don’t be afraid to ignore your opponent’s board and hit the face early and often. This can be a quick road to victory. If you see this strategy being used against you, prioritize Zombeasts with Rush and Lifesteal.

Use your Build-a-Beast Hero Power prior to playing any cards. You want to know all of your options before you decide what to do. As you craft your Zombeast, pay attention to the mana cost. Unless you already have something in your hand with a low enough mana cost to play, try to build something you can play that turn. You want minions on board as fast as possible.

Keep on building

There’s multiple levels of RNG to the Brawl. The most impactful is the selection of spells you’re given. Keep queuing up, and eventually, the RNG will fall your way, and you’ll get the Classic pack.

Good luck out there. Stay alive, and get your victory. Whatever you do, always remember, shop smart, shop S-Mart!

Originally posted on October 1, 2020; last updated October 23, 2024

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