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WoWOct 25, 2024 10:00 am CT

Where to find all of the WoW 20th anniversary event world bosses

kazzak visits stormwind

The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event is now in full swing, with a whole slew of new rewards for you to be working towards. One question that keeps coming up in conversation is, “just where in the heck are those world bosses, anyhow?” Today we’re going to tackle that question.

First and foremost, this week’s The War Within world boss is Orta, the Broken Mountain. It seems people have been having a hard time finding this week’s world boss, and seeing we’re talking about large bosses that need to be brought down to size, it’s worth mentioning.

One of this week’s Anniversary quests is Timely Gate Crashers, requiring you to kill some old world boss friends: Doomwalker, Sha of Anger, and Archavon the Stone Watcher. Luckily, they’re pretty easy to locate! All three of these bosses are located just outside the Caverns of Time, out in the desert of Tanaris.

  • Doomwalker is located walking in small circles to the south east of the Caverns of Time, around coordinates 62, 50.
  • Archavon the Stone Watcher is sitting under a shield to the north west of the Caverns of Time around location 45, 28. Kill the valkyries and his shield will drop, then you can finish the job.
  • The Sha of Anger is located to the south west of the Caverns of Time, sitting in the desert around location 33, 55. Menacingly.

In previous versions of the Anniversary event, we’ve come across a quest called The Originals, which tasks us to go eliminate classic World of Warcraft bosses Lord Kazzak and Azuregos. While this quest is not currently live, it’s possible that it could be a quest next week, so let’s cover their locations as well.

Thankfully, Kazzak cannot be pulled to the gates of Stormwind any longer, so instead you’ll have to go hunt him on his home turf. Lord Kazzak hangs out in the Blasted Lands, around 32, 48. The fastest way here is heading to your capital city and speaking with either a Thrallmar Mage or a Honor Hold Mage and ask for a teleport. You’ll need to talk with Zidormi on the edge of the Blasted Lands and Swamp of Sorrows to swap to the pre-Iron Horde version of the map first. Kazzak is a big orange-yellow demon carrying a large sword, he’s hard to miss!

Azuregos, on the other hand, hangs out in Azshara around 49, 82. Horde players, just fly north out of Orgrimmar into Azshara and you’re nearby; Alliance players will need to portal to Mount Hyjal and then fly south. A tip for Horde players: if you head to this location and it appears you are phased out, head to the Southern Rocketway (50,74) and talk to Friz Groundspin to get the quest Twilight Skies. Knock out this quest chain and then you should be phased properly, allowing you to go punch a blue dragon, you know, as a treat. I wont tell Kalecgos if you don’t.

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