Are you ready to fight Gallywix? The War Within patch 11.1 raid is The Liberation of Undermine
The War Within’s next raid will be The Liberation of Undermine, part of patch 11.1, which was announced this week in Warcraft Direct. This new raid will bring eight new bosses, culminating with a final boss battle against our old friend Gallywix. Our first look at the raid — which will take place in part in the magnificent Gallagio casino — shows off some unique raid bosses, including giant holograms, a cybernetic ape and cybernetic devilsaur, and a giant floating mechanical Gallywix head (complete with cigar and two giant canons). You should expect no less than the best for Gallywix.
Here’s the official list of boss encounters for The Liberation of Undermine:
- Vexie and the Geargrinders
- Cauldron of Carnage
- Rik Reverb
- Stix Bunkjunker
- Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
- The One-Armed Bandit
- Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
- Chrome King Gallywix
I’m sure that there will be some twists we didn’t see coming (perhaps someone from Cartel Xy). We’ll post more details on the bosses as we learn them.
As for Gallywix himself, the last time we saw him was in Shadowlands, where he was seen in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market negotiating with Cartel Xy. Previously, we saw him abandon the Horde at the end of Battle for Azeroth, leaving Orgrimmar and Sylvanas’ council, leading to the ascension of Monte Gazlowe to head the Bilgewater Cartel.
Perhaps most interesting that we’ve learned about patch 11.1 is that the entire patch will take place in Undermine, where we’ll team up with one of the four Goblin cartels — Steamwheedle, Blackwater, Bilgewater, and the Venture Company. What this will mean in terms of story and for our characters is anyone’s guess at this time, but it would appear that our teaming up with the cartels will lead to our push into the Gallagio. We do know that as we progress through this new raid, we’ll be earning points with the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club, a sort of renown track for the raid that rewards you with buffs, a dinar-like currency, raid skips, and more. Blizzard certainly knows how to stick to a theme.
Originally published November 14, 2024; updated January 2, 2025.
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