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Overwatch 2Nov 19, 2024 11:56 am CT

New Overwatch 2 Tank hero Hazard is announced; give him a whirl this weekend

The Overwatch 2 team just announced their next Hero with a high-octane cinematic — a tank hero named Hazard.

Details on gameplay are forthcoming later this week, but for now, the cinematic they released, Hazardous Tactics, provides an excellent tease for what we can expect from Hazard, including what will likely be one of his iconic catch phrases.

We’re very curious as to several things in this cinematic. It seems like every character introduced is brand new, aside from the Helix agency. Who are Hazard’s allies, who he refers to as “phreaks” (and frankly, seem way cooler than him)? Is that a reference to early phone-based proto hacking? What are they searching for in Oasis? And what exactly is that magenta goop? Is it related to Moira’s purple goop, or is it related to magenta-hued lone wolf hacker Sombra — or something else entirely?

While I’m not sure we’ll get lore answers anytime soon, we should be filling in the blanks as to Hazard’s gameplay very soon. There’s an upcoming opportunity to play Hazard for a limited time before he’s added to the game in earnest: this weekend, November 22-25.

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