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Tabletop RPGNov 28, 2024 2:00 pm CT

Add to your tabletop collection for less with these Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals

I’ve often said that collecting tabletop RPGs is a different hobby from playing them. But whether you’re looking to add to your never ending bookshelf and/or PDF collection, or you actually want something you intend to run at a table in the near future, you can stretch your money a little further by taking advantage of some of these Black Friday and Cyber Monday tabletop deals!

Also, while we don’t have anything specifically to note from these sites because they’re playing their cards close to the chest when it comes to sales, keep an eye on DriveThruRPG — they typically announce sales on Black Friday itself. You can pick up something new and exciting this holiday and be ready to play it in (let’s be real) January when everyone’s schedules quit being a nightmare!

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