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Hide From Homepage > Release Date > The War Within > WoWDec 18, 2024 7:00 am CT

When is The War Within patch 11.2 release date — and what’s in it?

World of Warcraft has maintained a solid content cadence ever since the start of Dragonflight and the recently-revealed 2025 roadmap for The War Within doesn’t suggest the rapid release pace will stop any time soon. Patch 11.0.7 launched the week of December 17 and using that as a starting point we can project the release of subsequent patches. While recognizing that the farther we travel the 2025 roadmap the harder it becomes to predict dates, we forecast The War Within patch 11.2 will launch the week of July 29, 2025. 

Patch release consistency has improved over the past year so a default expectation of seven to eight weeks between patches seems like a safe bet. We’ve been using seven weeks as the interval before a minor patch and eight weeks for major patches for our predicted release dates, and that results in the week of July 29, 2025 for patch 11.2. This corresponds well with the summer season shown on the roadmap and also provides plenty of time for the expected content coming for the rest of the year. That said the patch could arrive as early as the week of July 22 or as late as the week of August 6 — but further slipping into August seems unlikely.

What’s in patch 11.2?

The further out you get on the roadmap the vaguer it tends to get and patch 11.2 is no exception. However, it is a major patch so we should expect all the typical new content that comes with one, including Season 3. The roadmap promises a new zone and raid, and also a new dungeon and open world challenges. As the final major patch of the expansion there should be plenty of quests that wrap up the War Within storyline. We’re also getting some Brewfest Updates!

Unfortunately it’s too far off for us to know the details of the new content coming in patch 11.2, but keep your eyes on Blizzard Watch and we’ll update with the latest news as it comes out.

Originally published December 18, 2024. Updated February 11, 2025.

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Filed Under: Patch 11.2

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