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Podcast > Tabletop RPG > Tavern WatchDec 30, 2024 11:30 am CT

Tavern Watch Plays Sentai & Sensibility 1: A tale of romance and robots

There’s a tabletop game for everyone, even those of us who want to combine regency romance with sentai superhero teams. Join Her Majesty’s Prehistorian Praetorians as our prehistoric-themed sentai — you can thank Matt for that — takes its first steps into society by attending the grand opening of a new gallery in the museum. It goes about as well as you would expect from our creative crowd of players.

I’ll be hosting this game as Master of Ceremonies, joined by the following gentlefolk:

  • Dame Margaret Clytemnestra Marlborough, not-so-famed paleontologist (Matthew Rossi)
  • Ser Riley Mullabyaly, a military man through-and-through (Joe Perez)
  • Diviner Haruka Hadagami, an astrologer who blurs the line between science and mysticism (Joan Albright)
  • Bartholomew Culpepper, an associate professor of history at Magdalene University at Cambridge (Phil Ulrich)
  • Lady Blossom Hephestia Bee, a student who’s eager to pick up every drop of social gossip (Anne Stickney)

This is the first in a three-part game of Sentai & Sensibility by 9th Level Games. It uses the Polygon system in which each player uses a single die based on their class (or in this case, their station), and we found it a great deal of fun! Pick up a copy for yourself from 9th Level Games.

You can now subscribe to Tavern Watch on its own podcast feed! Just search for it in your podcast platform of choice, including Spotify and YouTube — there will be another episode of Sentai & Sensibility next week, so be sure to subscribe if you want to be notified when it’s available. Note that we are not yet available on Apple Podcasts, but expect to be there soon. You can also catch up on our other podcasts on our podcast page. And if you subscribe to our Patreon Tier 2 or above you can listen to our podcasts early and ad-free, as well as get the uncut Blizzard Watch Podcast with bonus pre-show content.

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