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The War Within > Warcraft > WoWDec 31, 2024 2:00 pm CT

What’s happening with our Bronze Celebration Tokens when the World of Warcraft Anniversary ends?

It’s a question as old as World of Warcraft: what’s going to happen to a currency or reward when the associated event ends or a new patch drops? For the 20th Anniversary the important new currency is the Bronze Celebration Token, used to purchase the upscaled tier 2 armor sets, Blizzard service rewards, and previous anniversary collectibles you may have missed. What happens when the anniversary ends the first weekend of January, however? While we don’t have definitive answers yet, we can speculate based on previous Anniversaries and events as to what the fate of the Tokens and their purchases will be.

The first expectation is that the Bronze Celebration Tokens on your currency tab will not be zeroed out, as they will probably used in future anniversaries as well — that said, Blizzard has not confirmed anything about this so it’s possible there will be a purge of the currency after the event ends. In terms of purchases, though, we should not expect to be able to purchase anything with the Tokens outside the Anniversary time frame (with maybe one exception discussed below). As a result if there is anything you want be sure to pick it up this week. Of special importance are the previous anniversary rewards such as the Baby Blizzard Bear pet and Obsidian Worldbreaker mount sold by Storekeeper Reginald, as the conversation with him strongly hints that he’ll only be returning every 5 years to sell his rewards.

The tier 2 armor from Traeya should also become unavailable after the event ends but it has been confirmed they will become available again during future anniversaries. While it’s not explicitly stated that they will return every year, it’s a pretty safe bet. Historian Ma’di’s items which she sells for the Tokens are a question mark. We don’t expect Lil’ Doomy’s Hilt or the 20th Anniversary Balloon Chest to be available next year — instead expect Storekeeper Reginald to be selling them when he returns for the 25th Anniversary — but the Coldflame transmogs that are based on the worker anniversary rewards may be back yearly.

The one final item you can buy from Historian Ma’di is the Bag of Timewarped Badges that allow you to trade one Bronze Celebration Token for 20 Timewarped Badges (there are also satchels and boxes that allow you to exchange more at once). This is the item that may persist after the anniversary ends — perhaps sold by the Timewalking Vendors? — although there hasn’t been confirmation yet that this will happen. To be safe your best bet is to spend or convert to Timewarped Badges any leftover Tokens you have before the end of the event.

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