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Transmog > WoWJan 1, 2025 2:30 pm CT

Step into January with steampunk styles for sale at the WoW Trading Post

The first World of Warcraft Trading Post of 2025 has arrived! This January, each Trading Post location in Stormwind City, Orgrimmar, and Dornogal have fully stocked their shelves with steampunk equipment, armor transmogs, and weapon transmogs.

If nothing catches your eye this month, it’s still worth logging in and getting your free Trader’s Tender and probably filling out this month’s Traveler’s Log objectives. Next month is the two-year anniversary of the Trading Post and Blizzard has announced that more rewards from previous Trading Posts will be available for February and that the Traveler’s Log progress bar will be extended, allowing players the opportunity to earn an extra 500 Trader’s Tender for completing objectives.

For now, here’s what you can get this month!

January Trading Post mount

The four mounts are available this month:

The Warforged Nightmare is a really slick looking mount and its appearance let me know that a mechanical horse should be the first thing that comes to mind when imagining a steampunk ride. Personally, I’m going for the Brilliant Sunburst Peafowl first because I still can’t get Ashes of Al’ar to drop.

January Trading Post transmog and items

Since players are headed to the goblin capital city, Undermine, in the upcoming patch 11.1, these items come at perfect time to give everybody some style choices that match the goblin aesthetic.


Armor and clothing


January Trading Post pet

Of the three pets you can get this month, the Time-Lost Salamanther is a returning item from last January’s Trading Post while the mechanical puppies are gold and green versions of each other.

January Trading Post bonus reward

Completing the monthly Traveler’s Log objectives in January will earn you the Arsenal: Green Clockwork Contraptions Collection, a green recolor of the golden weapons you can purchase this month. This is a near-perfect type of bonus reward: a multi-weapon transmog set that ranges across the weapon type spectrum. But it does feel like double-dipping because the gold recolors are also part of this month’s inventory for Trader’s Tender and moving forward, I’d like to see these types of sets become more commonplace as the monthly bonus rewards without the double dipping.

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