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WoW > WoW ClassicJan 7, 2025 9:00 am CT

It’s another short maintenance week for WoW

The WoW servers were offline for a short one-hour maintenance this week. WoW, WoW Classic (including Season of Discovery and Anniversary realms), and Cataclysm Classic were offline from 7am – 8am pacific, but all WoW servers are now available again.

It’s nice to be back in the habit of these standard maintenance cycles, which let us skip out on work to jump in and check our vaults every Tuesday morning. However we’re heading towards patch 11.1 , which is currently on the PTR with raid testing and dungeon testing starting soon. Blizzard hasn’t given us a release date, but we predict patch 11.1 will launch in mid-February, so we probably have another month or so of smooth sailing for maintenance. In this quiet time between major patches, we may even see the servers come back online early today.

With maintenance, the WoW anniversary event will wrap up, so I hope you got rid of all of your Bronze Anniversary Tokens in advance. But all of the anniversary-related purchases are available through 10am pacific today, including the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur and the 30th anniversary mount bundle. The charity Reven Pack (featuring an adorable baby fox in both pet and backpack form) is also leaving the store today. If you want any of these, buy ’em soon.

If you need something more to do for this brief hour of downtime, might I recommend looking at pictures of baby pygmy hippos? We have been joking about becoming Hippo Watch, but unfortunately the hippowatch.com domain is not available, so the idea was dead before it even got off the ground. And since there are no new baby pygmy hippos this week (that I know of), next week’s dose of adorable animals (which help sustain us through the workweek) may not include hippos at all.

I’ll see you all on the other side of today’s maintenance!

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