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WoWJan 7, 2025 2:00 pm CT

Turbulent Timeways Timewalking event returns with a new mount reward, the Timely Buzzbee

First introduced in Dragonflight, the Turbulent Timeways world event is set to return for the first time in The War Within as Turbulent Timeways II — and with a new event comes a new mount reward in the form of the Bronze Dragonflight-themed Timely Buzzbee. This event is a celebration of all things Timewalking, and turns out to be a great time to level alts as well.

If you missed the first two runs of the event, Turbulent Timeways is an event that runs along with six straight weeks of Timewalking dungeons (starting today with Mists of Pandaria Timewalking, including new rewards like a new quilen mount). When you complete Timewalking dungeons during Turbulent Timeways, you will gain a buff called Knowledge of Timeways. This buff grants you a 5% bonus to experience from completing quests and killing monsters, and it stacks. Once you reach four stacks, this will turn into Mastery of Timeways, which bumps the buff to a lovely 30%. Knowledge of Timeways is a timed buff, meaning you’ll need to run another Timewalking dungeon during its duration to refresh it and add a stack, but it doesn’t tick down while you’re offline. Also, once you’ve gotten Mastery of Timeways, you can keep running Timewalking dungeons to increase its duration back to the maximum.

Naturally, this gives you a great incentive to level characters during Turbulent Timeways, but the real prize is the mount — if you get Mastery of Timeways in 5 separate weeks during the event, you will get the new Mastery of Turbulent Timeways II achievement, which rewards the Timely Buzzbee! The best part is that progress on the achievement is account-wide, so you can even play a different alt each week, making this also the perfect time to work on leveling one of every class for Class Connisseur or maxing out your Warband’s experience gains with Five Warband Mentors.

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