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WoWJan 10, 2025 10:00 am CT

When does Plunderstorm start in World of Warcraft? For better or worse, the piratical adventure is now live!

World of Warcraft: The War Within brought the Plunderstorm game mode back online on January 14, 2025. This popular yet polarizing PVP-only mode was first launched during the end of the Dragonflight expansion and gave players a new and fast-paced battle royale-style way to play Warcraft. Now with patch 11.0.7 players can once again sign up to test their skills as 60 players brawl to be the best pirate they can be.

This mode is completely separate from your regular Warcraft characters, and can be queued up from the game menu. You’ll fight with spells and abilities you find in the Arathi Highlands zone to be the last pirate standing. All the while there is a deadly storm shrinking down to a single small area.

The second season of Plunderstorm will be adding a whole new set of rewards including a pair of new mounts and a new purple-tinted set of pirate armor and weapons. As a bonus it looks like you’ll also be able to earn rewards from the first season of Plunderstorm again, so if you never completed the reward track and missed out on.

The best part is that the way the rewards are being handed out is getting changed. In the first season of Plunderstorm, you progressed along a Renown track and each level had a different reward associated with it — So you always got the fanciest parrot mount near the end. This time around you’ll be earning your plunder and spending it on a shop to buy what you want directly. So if you’re only interested in the new mounts and don’t enjoy Plunderstorm you can just play long enough to earn what you need and stop.

The basic gameplay sounds to be staying the same, although the plunder you earn in your match is going to be how you pay for the new rewards. Don’t worry about losing though, once you’ve earned a piece of plunder it’s counted even if you’re eliminated and someone else comes along and loots your body.

For players who want everything they’ll have to plunder quickly though, the event will only last just over a month. It concludes on February 18, 2025.

Originally published January 10, 2025; updated January 14, 2025

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