The Cuteness Within: Meet Marmaduke, a battle pet you can make your new bestie on the Siren Isle

Every major World of Warcraft patch should have an adorable battle pet, but did you know patch 11.0.7 brought one to the Siren Isle? Yes, you can earn a new (to WoW) Goodest Boy in The War Within‘s Siren Isle after completing some short quests. Let’s talk about Marmaduke, the sweet pup left behind by the Kul Tiran Azerite mining expedition that preceded us on the Siren Isle.
First off, Marmaduke is precious. All he wants to do is play with his ducky toys and nap — incredibly relatable. And the Wowhead guide makes obtaining Marmaduke an absolute breeze.
You do have to complete the Siren Isle introductory questline up to The Radiant Vault — you find the Tattered Journal that kicks off your search on the floor inside the previously-locked Forgotten Vault. Reading the journal and completing its thread is how you learn about the failed expedition from Kul Tiras. But, continuing the theme of TWW side quests being absolutely heartbreaking, that’s not where the expedition’s story ends — finding the Well Loved Squeaky Toy at the abandoned Salt and Shanty inn is what prompts us to find Marmaduke, the expedition’s sole survivor.
Luckily, Marmaduke recognizes us as friends and heads to camp once you give him his toy. Talk to him to kick off a final quest — he needs some pets for reassurance, after all — and Marmaduke is yours. Even better, you can find more of his favorite toys after you complete the quests to add Marmaduke to your pet journal! Return to the inn and find a Ducky Friend where you initially found his beloved plaything. If you run out, head back to the inn — they respawn at the same spot.
Come on, how can you say no to that sweet little face? And since he’s such a good boy, he does tricks! Marmaduke reacts to the following in-game emotes:
- /sit – He sits down.
- /lay or /sleep – He lays down with you.
- /roar – He barks at you.
- /dance – He turns around.
- /cheer – He wags his tail and happily barks at you.
- /love or /pet – A heart appears above his head.
Marmaduke is practically free — just put in a bit of quest chain effort, find a chew toy, and bam, this sweet boy could also be yours. Definitely check the Wowhead guide if you run into any issues — the comments are incredibly helpful. And if you’re a non-WoW reader, I hope you enjoyed the cute pictures.
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