Get the rewards you deserve with the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club in WoW patch 11.1 — now with more detail on how to earn renown

In a few months The War Within will bring WoW players back to Undermine in patch 11.1, appropriately called Undermine(d). This patch, which also marks season 2 of The War Within, brings with it a brand new raid in the form of the Liberation of Undermine. Naturally, while raiding, you’ll acquire the usual crests, loot, and possibly even mounts, but what if you could have…more? I’m talking buffs, raid skips, mounts cosmetics, titles, all those things raiders love and more. Great news! Patch 11.1 brings you all those things in a brand new package — a Renown track specific to the raid, the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club.
The idea of reputation associated with raids is nothing new, but this is the first time we’ve seen the Renown system (introduced in Shadowlands and heavily refined since) applied to a raid environment. Gaining Renown with the Rewards Club is fairly straightforward: get into the raid and defeat bosses! Rank 1 automatically unlocks just for entering the Liberation of Undermine, and after that the global Renown gains are capped at 1 per week (so if you go into the Gallagio week 1, you will be able to get to Rank 2 but no higher). If you end up missing a week, that cap will still go up, so the following week you can earn two ranks instead of 1.
The math on that works out because there is twice as much reputation in the raid as what you need to advance a rank of Renown — you only need 2500 reputation for a Renown level, but 5000 reputation is available each week. The reason for this is both to be less prescriptive on how players spend their time in raid, as well as to be less punishing for groups that progress more slowly. With Season 1’s Severed Strands buff, you needed to clear the entire raid every week from the moment the system became available or you were just behind, period. Blizzard has also said there will be some kind of catchup mechanism at play — most likely earning more reputation for boss kills if you are farther behind on Renown. The details haven’t been determined yet, but the gist of it is you don’t need to worry about quite as much farming as you did with Nerub-ar Finery in Nerub-ar Palace.
Also, the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club includes things that we typically don’t see associated with raids this early in an expansion, including the sorta-return of a fan-favorite feature: a dinar-like currency; although this one can only be used to purchase transmog appearances, it does have a recurring source as a boss drop once you’ve earned all your free guaranteed ones. There are also changes to make the raid itself more convenient (like access to profession tables without needing to haul yourself back to Dornogal), the raid skip usually associated with beating a late-raid boss three or four times (now earned across all difficulties rather than being a per-difficulty quest), and even a raid buff akin to the Severed Strands buff from Nerub-ar Palace.
Here’s a look at the rewards you can expect from the Rewards Club Renown. Unless specified, all of these apply only while inside the Liberation of Undermine raid, or in the hotel attached to it.
- Renown 1
- The Professionals I: Profession tables, vendors, and crafting order specialists are available on the top floor of the Incontinental Hotel. (Blizzard’s spelling, not mine.)
- Renown 2
- Can We Get That To Go?: Eat at double speed inside the raid!
- Step Right Up: Lets you use a Busted Rune Dispenser inside the hotel, allowing you a free chance each week at a Crystallized Augment Rune.
- Renown 3
- The Professionals II: Adding to the services at the hotel, you now have access to an item upgrader and a transmog specialist.
- Renown 4
- Loyal Customer I: The first of the raid buffs, granting your Warband a 3% buff to damage and healing.
- Token of Appreciation: You get a Gallagio Rewards Card, returning you to the Incontinental from inside the raid. Convenient if you just need to pop out to upgrade a new item!
- Renown 5
- Top Player Privilege: The raid skip! All that’s required is to have beaten Mug’Zee on that difficulty and you can skip further into the raid.
- Renown 6
- Time is Money I: Would any goblin rewards track be complete without a “time is money” reference? This lets you move 10% faster when out of combat inside the raid.
- Wake Up, Merc: Use the Cartel Jumper Cables to dust yourself off outside of combat, resurrecting with 10% HP. The timer on this is somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour, pending tuning, and is intended as a form of emergency wipe recovery.
- Renown 7
- Loyal Customer II: You get upgraded to Gold status, meaning your Warband’s damage and healing buff increases to 6%.
- Renown 8
- Who doesn’t love free mounts? Renown 8 earns you the Thunderdrum Misfire, a classic red Goblin rocket.
- Renown 9
- The Professionals III: Two new vendors now sell items to you outside the Cauldron of Carnage encounter themed around the two bosses that fight inside — specifically, you can now buy minipet versions of robot gorilla Torq the Tempest and mecha-devilsaur Flarendo the Furious.
- Renown 10
- Loyal Customer III: Your rewards membership goes up again, to Platinum status — bumping your buffs to 9%,
- Renown 11
- Time is Money II: Your out-of-combat movement buff in the Liberation of Undermine increases to 20%.
- Chip Service I: Your first transmog dinar! This time they’re called Counterfeit Dealer’s Chips, and you get one at this Renown level to buy any appearance you like from Sando the Rat inside the Incontinental.
- Renown 12
- The Professionals IV: This is an interesting one — a vendor inside the hotel will now sell you hot sauce that gives you a fire-breathing damage proc that scales in effectiveness based on your consumables while inside the Liberation of Undermine.
- Renown 13
- Loyal Customer IV: Your Platinum status is upgraded to a Black card, increasing your raid buff to 12%.
- Renown 14
- Step Right Up II: The Busted Rune Dispenser is slightly less busted: you will always get 1 Augment Rune, with a chance of getting up to 3 (or causing the machine to explode).
- Renown 15
- Cashing Out: You receive a second Counterfeit Dealer’s Chip, and now the One-Armed Bandit — the raid’s 6th boss — has a chance to drop Counterfeit Dealer’s Chips when defeated. Fantastic news for transmog collectors!
- Renown 16
- Loyal Customer V: What’s better than a Black Card? Apparently a Diamond Card, which buffs your Warband healing and damage buffs to a value of 15%.
- Renown 17
- You gain access to another mount at this rank, the Darkfuse Chompactor.
- Renown 18
- Time is Money III: Out-of-combat movement speed inside Liberation of Undermine now bumps to 30%.
- The Professionals V: For the ultimate in convenience, you can now access the Auction House inside the Incontinental Hotel. Can I just live in this hotel?
- Renown 19
- Loyal Customer VI: We’re not sure what’s better than a Diamond Card, but we are sure that Renown 19 will increase your Warband healing and damage buffs to 18%.
- Renown 20
- The Furious Flarendo!: Vinnie Sweets, inside the raid, will now give you the keys to Flarendo the Furious — who is, I will stress again, a mecha-devilsaur — for use as a mount!
- Running the Tables: You gain a new title, High Roller. Outlaw Rogues will be lining up for this one.
- Our Doors Are Open: Gain the ability to teleport to Liberation of Undermine whenever you want. This is pretty huge — normally raid teleports are limited to completing a raid on Mythic difficulty in the final season of an expansion, and even then they usually have an 8 hour cooldown.
Originally posted January 1, 2025; updated February 8, 2025
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