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HearthstoneJan 29, 2025 5:00 pm CT

Count your blessings to win this week’s Hearthstone Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl

The Hearthstone Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl would like to wish you a very happy Lunar New Year! They’ll be partying in Vol’dun no doubt!

As luck would have it, the Lunar New Year falls on a Wednesday this year, this Wednesday in fact, so what better day to have the Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl. This special event brings the vibrant spirit of the Chinese zodiac to the Tavern, where cunning dragons, mischievous monkeys, and wise oxen are ready to aid you in taking down your opponents and winning a shiny new card pack. Let’s take a look at how to win the Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl.

Moira wearing colorful Lunar New Year costume

Tavern Brawl basics

  • Name: Lunar Blessings!
  • Description: Celebrate the Lunar New Year! Choose a class and get a random deck, choose an animal to receive its blessing and power!
  • Fun level: 5/10
  • Difficulty: 5/10
  • Replayability: 9/10
  • Format: Wild
  • Type: PvP
  • Deck: Provided
  • Rewards: 1 The Great Dark Beyond pack.

Your only choice will picking your class. You’re then assigned a random deck of class cards and neutrals. You know what means! It’s time once again time for the RHBA (Random Hearthstone Brawl Autotext): “You’ll find everything from Legendary cards to Basic cards in your deck. You’ll have some class cards and some neutrals, but there are no strict ratios — it’s all random.”

Once the game starts, you’ll have a Discover-type choice of three different blessings chosen from a pool of twelve:

  • Blessing of the Rat: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Reborn.
  • Blessing of the Ox: Whenever you summon a minion give it +3 Health.
  • Blessing of the Tiger: Whenever you summon a minion give it +1 Attack.
  • Blessing of the Rabbit: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Rush.
  • Blessing of the Dragon: Whenever you cast a spell, add a random Dragon to your hand.
  • Blessing of the Snake: Whenever you summon a minion that costs (3) or less, give it Stealth.
  • Blessing of the Horse: Your spells cost (1) less.
  • Blessing of the Sheep: At the start of your turn, restore three Health to a damaged friendly character.
  • Blessing of the Monkey: At the end of your turn, transform a random friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.
  • Blessing of the Rooster: Whenever you use your Hero Power, deal two damage to a random enemy.
  • Blessing of the Dog: Whenever you summon a minion, give it Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Mastiff.
  • Blessing of the Pig: Whenever you summon a minion, add a Coin to your hand.

How to win the Lunar Blessings Tavern Brawl

Lean into your chosen blessing. While you won’t know the particulars of your deck, you should be familiar with the basic strengths and weakness of your chosen class. Tiger, Snake, and Dog favor more aggressive gameplay. Those might be good choices for Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Paladin. The Coins from Pig ensure Rogue has an activator for Combo cards. Horse plays well into Mage. Dragon and Ox would fit with Priest.

Rat and Death Knight are a new and extremely powerful combination. Many Death Knight cards cost 3 mana or less, and giving them Reborn helps them stick to the board. The Reborn buff also applies to the Ghoul summoned by the Death Knight Hero Power. This is now the class to pick if you’re looking for a quick win.

In this Brawl, persistence is the key

While there’s a high degree of randomness to the Brawl, there are fun strategic decisions as you try to solve your opponent’s board. You never know what crazy card your opponent might have in hand. Different Brawls appeal to different players — you might love all the randomness and crazy outcomes, or you might hate it.

The Brawl is a good way to knock out quests, especially if you’ve got a quest to play a class that’s not your favorite. If you want the card pack, just keep queuing up pick Death Knight, plus Blessing of the Rat.

Originally posted February 11, 2021; last updated January 29, 2025

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