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The War Within > WoWFeb 17, 2025 3:30 pm CT

With patch 11.1 Undermine(d) officially releasing February 25, here are the Season 1 goals in World of Warcraft to finish up now

With The War Within‘s first major patch — patch 11.1: Undermine(d) — on the horizon, players can also anticipate Season 2 starting soon. While that does bring with it a whole bunch of fun benefits, like better gearing and challenge within Delves and a whole bunch of Mythic+ changes, that also means there are some achievements and their rewards that are part of The War Within Season 1 that will either be going away for the foreseeable future or going away forever.

Here’s a rundown of what you might want to focus on before Undermine(d) launches on February 25, just before Season 2 starts on March 4.


While we won’t be getting to say goodbye to Brann Bronzebeard, or any of our Season 1 Delves (although they will have new story variants), a number of things associated with Delves will be going away at the end of the season.

  • While the Delver’s Dirigible should still be available (the quest that rewards it, Ship It!, doesn’t have any seasonal requirements), a number of schematics to customize it will either be unobtainable, or only be obtainable via some other method, once Season 1 ends because they’re part of the Delver’s Journey progress meter. If you need to see where you are on that, open your Group Finder menu then select Delves.
  • Same goes for the Trusty Hat toy — as this is part of the Delver’s Journey for Season 1, it may be unavailable after this, or it might require some other means. Best get it now if you’re interested!
  • There’s a possibility you will not be able to complete the On Brand achievement in Season 2, unless it is updated for Brann’s all-new set of curios.
  • Undercoins will be reset, so spend them now.
  • There are also some changes around Zek’vir and Glory of the Delver to be aware of.
    • Let Me Solo Him, rewarded for defeating Zekvir on ?? difficulty without a group before the end of Season 1 and rewarding the void-tinged dirigible schematic will be unavailable.
    • Similarly, Hunting the Hunter, and the Ascension Breaker title, for defeating Zekvir on ?? difficulty before the end of Season 1, will also become unavailable.
    • However, the Nemesis achievement for defeating Zekvir (at all, on any difficulty) will change to the new the new Season 2 boss — The Underpin — meaning you can still complete Glory of the Delver and earn the Ivory Golianthus.


While Nerub-ar Palace itself won’t be going anywhere, the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements, for defeating Queen Ansurek on Heroic and Mythic difficulties respectively, both require you to do so before the next tier of raids open. You’ll have a short grace period after the patch launches before the Liberation of Undermine is open in which you can presumably complete this, but if you want one or both of these, better get it soon!


The things that will be going away permanently after Season 1 for The War Within dungeons are almost all Mythic+ related: things like Keystone Explorer, Conqueror, Master, and Hero in Season 1, as well as the individual Keystone Hero achievements that award you a teleport to the dungeon in question. Those might be accessible again if these dungeons return in a future season, at least, but don’t count on it.

There is also one minor set of achievements that, while they won’t become permanently inaccessible, will require you to wait until all the dungeons are available in Mythic difficulty again. The role-based achievements for completing each dungeon on Mythic 0 or higher in each role — Algari Dungeon Tank, Algari Dungeon Healer, Algari Dungeon Damage Dealer, and Algari Dungeoneer — will require you to wait on The Dawnbreaker, Ara-Kara, City of Threads, and Stonevault to be available again in Mythic in order to get credit for them. The reward for these is a transmog ensemble, so if you want that, better get on it.

Originally published February 11, 2025; updated February 22, 2025

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