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Release Date > The War Within > WoWFeb 11, 2025 6:00 pm CT

The War Within Season 2 begins in March — here’s when you can dive into each and every new tier of content in WoW patch 11.1

By this point, your average World of Warcraft player has thoroughly saved the island of Khaz Algar during The War Within. We’ve dethroned a queen, punched a giant bug with our best buddy Brann Bronzebeard, and run so many Mythic+ keys that our eyes are ready to fall out of our heads if we do another one. What we need is something new, something exciting, something… goblin-y.

We won’t have to wait too long: Undermine(d), patch 11.1, launches on February 25, so soon we’ll be sinking our (metaphorical) teeth into all that brand new Season 2 content. Here’s the schedule of when you can expect things to launch during Season 2.

  • February 25: Patch day! This is likely when Season 1 will officially end. There’s no word yet on whether we’ll have access to the new dungeon pool on Mythic 0 immediately, but we can start adventuring in Undermine with the goblin cartels, getting used to our D.R.I.V.E., and experience the patch’s lead-in story.
  • March 4: Season 2 starts! In a throwback to how Dragonflight Season 3 worked, Blizzard is throwing open the gates to almost everything on the first day of Season 2. On March 4, you’ll be able to access all of the following:
    • Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Liberation of Undermine raid.
    • Raid Finder Wing 1 (Shock and Awesome), featuring Cauldron of Carnage and Rik Reverb
    • Mythic+ Season 2, with its brand new and changed dungeon pool, which includes TWW launch dungeons Cinderbrew Meadery, The Rookery, Priory of the Sacred Flame, Darkflame Cleft; throwback dungeons Theater of Pain (Shadowlands), The MOTHERLODE! (Battle for Azeroth), and Operation Mechagon: Workshop (Battle for Azeroth); and brand new dungeon Operation Floodgate.
    • PVP Season 2, for those of you determined to continue to put the war in Warcraft — plus a new arena, the Cage of Carnage!
    • Delves Season 2, featuring lots of changes — including two all-new Delves! — also launches this week.
    • This is also very likely when the Matrix Catalyst in Dornogal will open, allowing you to start converting Season 2 gear into your brand new tier sets.
  • March 11: More raid wings open for lower difficulty tiers.
    • Raid Finder Wing 2 opens this week, nicknamed Maniacal Machinists, starring Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and Stix Bunkjunker.
    • Story Mode for The Liberation of Undermine opens this week as well; much like the last Story Mode, this will pit you and an army of NPCs against a heavily stripped-down version of the Chrome King Gallywix fight.
  • March 18: Raid Finder Wing 3, Two Heads Are Better, opens this week, pitting players against Vexie & the Geargrinders, the One-Armed Bandit, and Mug’Zee.
  • March 25: The final wing of Raid Finder, allowing LFR players to fight Chrome King Gallywix.

We still have a few questions about the release schedule, such as when the Mythic 0 dungeons will unlock and when the Matrix Catalyst will become available, but we’ll update this post as we learn more.

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