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The War Within > WoWFeb 25, 2025 2:00 pm CT

Hunting rares in Undermine for fun and profit in The War Within patch 11.1

Once The War Within Patch 11.1 drops and you’re going for a D.R.I.V.E. around the mean streets of Undermine, you’ll probably want to work on making friends with the various Goblin cartels — after all, that’s a profitable way to earn bonus Restored Coffer Keys, an Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest, and fun cartel-specific collectible items like the Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir (only 50 silver per drink!). One of the most reliable ways to make friends with the cartels — and earn yourself the Adventurer of Undermine achievement in the process — is to hunt down rare enemies, but not all rares are created equal.

Eleven of the rares are just regular old non-elite rare enemies. They spawn out in the world in on independent timers — log on in the middle of the night in War Mode and you might find all of them up at once — and their locations run the gamut from right outside the Incontinental Hotel, to out in the far-flung corners of the Emerald Hills Golf Course. Hunting each of these down will yield 20 rep with each Goblin cartel, for a total of 100 reputation, and you can earn this reputation each day if you’re so inclined. These non-elite rares will show up on your minimap if you’re near them, so the best method to find them is going out to look for (and camp) them. These eleven are:

The next five rares are rare elite enemies. They spawn a little differently, in that only one of them can be up at any given time; when one is killed, another one will spawn two minutes later in a cycle. (Dragonflight veterans will recognize this as being similar to the five rare elites from the gnoll area of Azure Span.) You can get the rep bonus from each of these five once per week, and they give 50 rep with each Goblin cartel. They’ll also show up on the map of Undermine when they’re up, whether you’re near them or not, so you might be able to hop in your car and speed over to where they’re at, and since they’re a bit beefier than the others you might be able to hop into your D.R.I.V.E. and make it to them no matter where you are in the city! These five notorious enemies are:

The last five are cartel-specific to summon; since you can only align with one cartel per week, you’ll only be have the ability to summon one at any given time. You’ll need to be at Renown 6 with the Cartels of Undermine for the Big Game Hunter bonus, as well. However, once someone starts the event to summon one of these rares, it shows up as an objective on the map and anyone — regardless of whether they’re aligned with that cartel or not — can show up to pitch in to help summon it; so (for example) if you’re pals with the Steamwheedle Cartel, you can start the event to summon the Steamwheedle Cartel rare, but if your friend starts the event to summon the Blackwater rare instead, you can pitch it on that and get the bonus for it as well.

The rares also drop things like car parts for your D.R.I.V.E., so even if you don’t necessarily want rep, you might want to hunt them down to fine-tune your hot rod — but really, it’s all about making friends and influencing Goblins!

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