You can now explore Tirisfal Glades in Baldur’s Gate 3

In perhaps the most epic game crossover since Sylvanas came to Overwatch 2, a mad genius named SquallyDaBeanz has blended World of Warcraft with Baldur’s Gate 3 in a new custom campaign set in Tirisfal Glades.
The campaign, titled Forsaken, first hit my radar about a month ago, when this teaser was released on YouTube. As a long-time undead main (I cried through the entirety of Return to Lordaeron), I knew I would have to check it out.
Installing the teaser campaign was easier than it looked. After a few quick web searches steered me wrong with talk of installing a mod manager, I glanced at the instructions again and realized all I had to do was unzip the package into BG3‘s mod folder. (For fellow Linux users, finding this may be the hardest step.) From there, I simply enabled the mod from the main menu and started a new save.
Of course I had to get my game face on.
The default options don’t quite do justice to a Forsaken character, but I did my best. (Maybe we’ll get more in a future update?) It was tough to choose between the traditional options of Rogue, Warlock, and Priest … er, I mean Cleric … but I’ve been on a healer kick lately so I went with Cleric. The campaign doesn’t make use of the Guardian character, though I did make mine a Half-orc on principle.
Now for the moment of truth. Does this mod truly capture the atmosphere and subtle angst of World of Warcraft‘s creepiest starting zone? Well, it’s not complete yet, but let’s take a look at what they’ve got so far.
I felt at home the moment I stepped out of my grave.
Forsaken does not yet provide any bespoke characters to adventure with, but it does allow you to recruit hirelings in the crypt, so I grabbed a pair of stiffs off the shelves and headed upstairs. I was immediately conscripted by the local clergy to deal with their ghoul problem, because as all Forsaken know, you don’t always come back with your head on straight.
To my delight, several of the Deathguards sprang to my aid … though one of them did not survive the fight. It’s too bad I forgot about the scrolls of Revivify in my pocket…. Oh well.
I ventured only a little further into the campaign before making camp in a cozy graveyard, but I thought it was an amazing blend of Baldur’s Gate gameplay with World of Warcraft storytelling. If you, like me, are a fan of all things Forsaken, be sure to check out the creator’s Patreon and let them know you’d like to see more of this amazing crossover!
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