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WoW > WoW ClassicMar 18, 2025 9:00 am CT

A refreshingly quick Tuesday maintenance for all World of Warcraft players

Good news, my friends: the World of Warcraft severs may be offline, but this week’s maintenance will only last for an hour. Or at least that’s what the maintenance schedule tells us, and I’m inclined to believe it. Here’s this week’s WoW maintenance schedule:

  • The War Within: 7am – 8am pacific (10am – 11am eastern)
  • WoW Classic, including Cataclysm, Classic era, Season of Discovery, Anniversary, and Hardcore realms: 7am – 8am pacific time (10am – 11am eastern)

After a whole lot of extra maintenance throughout the last week, it’s nice to have a quick maintenance (so I can jump online to check my vault at launch time). Hopefully it will be a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it maintenance, just enough time to work on getting  inbox zero (haha!) and have a nice walk before diving back into Azeroth (and all of our virtual weekly chores).

If anything goes amiss with today’s maintenance, I’ll let you know right here. But for now, all of the WoW servers are offline, scheduled to come back up on the hour. Hopefully I’ll see you in game soon!

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