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Discussion > The War Within > Transmog > WoWMar 21, 2025 8:00 am CT

How are you handling a whole Warband of transmog?

With many of the changes and new features that we have seen in The War Within, we are truly experiencing a golden age of transmogrification — but if you’re like me, it might be so golden that it’s kind of stressing you out a little bit. Having a Warband means that I can dive into new content, farm reputation, and even work on achievements from long ago on any whichever character I feel like playing today. The new rules that allow us to collect the appearance of any type of armor with any class have lead to farming old content being many times more productive.

The end result is that I’m playing more alts than ever, collecting more appearances than ever, and spending so much gold on transmog that I’m going to single-handedly crash the World of Warcraft economy. I’ve never been happier. And yet sometimes, as I spend a few minutes creating my next look, I realize that the outfit that I’m wearing now was the last thing that I spent time on before I logged off this character last week.

I find that having a “home” look for each character really helps. When a few new pieces of gear drop rapid fire and throw off the aesthetic of the Cataclysm-era look I was wearing, it’s a bit quicker to just bring up the favorite outfit list and pop my Vulpera into his go-to Starfox-inspired ensemble. It feels a bit like when you’re done trying on new clothes in the dressing room and you put on the clothes you wore to the store — they just fit.

I’m certainly not complaining about the number of options, but it is borderline overwhelming to have 20 years of armor from hundreds of sources while simultaneously seeing new sets get added at the current rapid pace of new content. I just finished collecting some of my Season 1 looks from Nerub-ar Palace, and now I am starting on the Liberation of Undermine sets. I still see the 20th Anniversary sets around Dornogal quite often, so they are definitely still in style. Balance all of that with the need to put together a black-tie look for a night at the Gallagio and… it’s a lot.

In the end, I’m not going to stop collecting tier sets (old and new) because it’s one of the things that I like best about World of Warcraft as well as being a goal that fits my casual, interrupted-often-to-change-a-diaper playstyle. The real key has been finding the perfect balance between micromanaging every single aspect of the appearance of a dozen characters and abandoning the lot of them to wear mismatched gear from a variety of expansions while the entire wardrobe rots.

So how are you approaching the current state of transmog? Do you have a fixed system, or are you putting outfits together on the fly? How many characters is too many to keep snazzy?

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