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Anna Bell

Anna Bell @liopleurodonic — Anna Bell -- and yes that is her real name -- has 2 kids, a degree in English literature, and has been playing video games as long as she can remember. In addition to Blizzard's game she's also into Farm Simulator esports, and romanced Alistair in Dragon Age.

The Queue: Pokemon Go-ing to the polls

I’m not sure what it is about summer that always makes me want to fire up Pokemon Go again. It’s not like I enjoy spending time out there — I’m firmly a cool, crisp autumn girly. Part of it is that I’m looking for something for my veal-calf-like children to do, and Pokemon Go is basically a cheat code for fun little outings in the nearest half mile or so. Libraries, parks, even silly little statues outside restaurants are all charted out for me. The other part is that I’m always looking for iced coffee, and thanks to a marketing tie-in, every single Starbucks is marked as a Pokestop. Sometimes capitalism is good, actually? Mm, let me think on that one for a sec.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and we provide the answers, just let me catch this Ekans first. Darn. Darn. …Darn.

The Queue: Spiders

While we deal with this blazing heat, one creature seems completely unphased. I’ve been knocking down joro spider webs on a near-daily basis for nearly a month. Right now they’re tiny little babies, about the size of a tic-tac. And yet each one of my tomato cages alone plays host to a half dozen or more, every time.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and we’re really, really grateful for the crab filter.

The Queue: Let’s get it done

I know Kal’s written about this before in his Queues, but I just have to shout out the whole parallel buddy work thing in Spirit City. In conjunction with the pomodoro timer, I’m more productive than ever before!

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we have the answers. Yep, that’s right, so productive I don’t even have a witty rejoinder.

The Queue: The Wishlistening

Ok, look. We’ve all said a lot of things lately that we regret and I fully accept the apologies of any Queue member who made a mean meme about me yesterday. Just the one, really. Now we’ll all just sit here and wait. I’ll turn this Queue right around and go home, mister.

This is The Queue, the daily column where you ask us questions and we came out here to answer them but we’re honestly feeling so attacked right now?

The Queue: Breakup Haircut

There has been a whole lot of discussion about Alleria and her role in The War Within, within the context of the new trailer especially. But one thing that I haven’t seen anyone talking about yet is her haircut, specifically that it is somewhat reminiscent of the post-breakup cut many women turn to as a way to change things in a safe way. What I’m really getting at is — do y’all think I might have a shot with Turalyon now? Come on, she has bangs now. The evidence is there!

This is The Queue, the daily column where you ask us questions, you know, just for a friend, it’s fine, you’re not really serious or anything, haha, but maybe…?

The Queue: taking the bait

I feel like I’ve honed my skills at avoiding obvious bait on the internet. I don’t participate in memes designed to weasel out security questions. I don’t respond when people ask about the best music or movie or book in this genre or that decade, especially if the question is phrased in a way that ignores whole demographics. But there’s something about the Patient Scout I just cannot resist. Sure, the last dozen times I grabbed him, he gave me absolute garbage for a build I’m not even trying to pursue, but maybe this time…

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we will, if nothing else, optimistically assure you we’ll give you some kind of answer (of questionable validity or thoroughness, but optimistic).

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