Dan O'Halloran
Blizzard Watch Podcast: The rising cost of attending BlizzCon
Join us as we discuss the new Overwatch Genesis series, the Diablo dev livestream (this was recorded before livestream), and how the prices are up up up for BlizzCon from tickets to travel.
Lore Watch Podcast: Who is the real villain of Diablo 4?
Join us this week as we explore who we are really trying to defeat in Diablo 4, the possible true nature of the ever present blood tentacles, and where exactly are these level 70 snakes keeping those thousands of gold coins they drop like burst piñatas when killed.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: What the new Titans Hearthstone expansion tells us about WoW’s Titans
Join us as we discuss the lore implications for WoW from Hearthstone’s newly announced Titans expansion, the special rewards from the past available at the WoW Trading Post in July, and the newly dropped Diablo 4 patch that was all buffs and no nerfs.
Lore Watch Podcast: The Diablo 4 campaign spoiler edition Act 6
Join us this week as we explore the final act of the Diablo 4 campaign followed by a lot of wild speculation.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Should Diablo 4 have more difficulty levels?
Join us as we discuss which NPC races we’d like to see playable in WoW, our thoughts on Hearthstone’s new Twist game mode, and if the big jump between difficulty levels in Diablo 4 could benefit from additional levels added in between.
Lore Watch Podcast: The Diablo 4 campaign spoiler edition Acts 4 & 5
Join us this week as we explore Acts 4 & 5 of the Diablo 4 campaign including the fate of Elias, the surprisingly forthright Tree of Whispers, and the role of Hatred throughout the Diablo franchise — which we've seen expressed in the Zakarum church that Mephisto corrupted and even the Cathedral of Light that Inarius founded.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Can WoW ever top Mists of Pandaria?
Join us as we discuss what our favorite expansion is and why it’s Mists of Pandaria (mostly), Overwatch 2’s new PVE story missions and its monetization tactics, and the future of Diablo 4 as well some recent hotfixes to the game.
Lore Watch Podcast: The Diablo 4 lore spoiler edition continues
Join us this week as we continue to explore the lore of Diablo 4, specifically Act 2 and 3, including the Cathedral of Light's impact on Scosglen, Lilith's goals (and how she manipulates people to achieve them), the continuing theme of blood magic in the game, and how the story really starts to get rolling towards the end of Act 3.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Are Blizzard’s efforts to help casual players in WoW enough?
Join us as we discuss if the impact of the Revival Catalyst to complete raid tier sets and a more aggressive LFR release schedule is enough for casual raiders, if trashless raids like Trial of the Crusader in the upcoming Wrath Classic Phase 3 are enjoyable, and how great it is to watch Summer Games Done Quick, but not so great to attempt speedruns yourself.
Lore Watch Podcast: The Diablo 4 lore spoiler edition
Join us this week as we explore the setup for the story of Diablo 4, how different factions interpret Rathma's prophecy, and Lilith and Inarius' impact on Sanctuary.