Dan O'Halloran
Blizzard Watch Podcast 326: Are WoW encounter mechanics unfair to melee classes?
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez discuss the long-awaited launch of patch 9.1, the concept of Night Elf paladins, and how M+ and raid mechanics disproportionately impact melee classes.
Lore Watch Podcast 196: The History of WoW Classic 40-man raid Ahn’Qiraj
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the lore and history of the legendary WoW classic 40-man raid, Ahn'Qiraj.
Blizzard Watch Podcast 325: All about that patch 9.1
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez are joined by Blizzard Watch writer Cory Taylor to discuss next week's launch of WoW patch 9.1.
Lore Watch Podcast 195: The History of Onyxia’s Lair and Blackwing Lair
This week Matt Rossi and Joe Perez continue their exploration of WoW's early content with a deep dive into the history behind the 40-man raids Onyxia's Lair and Blackwing Lair.
Blizzard Watch Podcast 324: Alternatives to the end game grind in WoW
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez discuss ideas for meaningful character progression at the level cap, the newly announced launch date of Diablo 2: Resurrected, and the long development cycle of WoW patch 9.1.
Lore Watch Podcast 194: The History of Molten Core
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez dedicate the entire episode to the lore behind Ragnaros the Firelord and the OG WoW raid, Molten Core.
Blizzard Watch Podcast 323: The biggest missed opportunity in the history of WoW
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez discuss the evolution of the Drust storyline across expansions, what story they would like to be told if a Warcraft 2 movie was made, and the one thing they wished WoW hadn't fumbled the ball on.
Blizzard Watch Podcast 322: Set nostalgia feels to maximum for Burning Crusade Classic launch
This week Matt Rossi and Joe Perez are joined by Blizzard Watch writer Phil "Red" Xavier to discuss the long-awaited launch of Burning Crusade Classic, the state-of-the-game of Hearthstone, and the idea of reputation becoming account-bound.
Lore Watch Podcast 193: The lore behind Diablo’s Assassin, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor classes
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the lore behind the Assassin, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor classes in the Diablo universe.
Blizzard Watch Podcast 321: The problem of power escalation
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez discuss next Tuesday's launch of Burning Crusade Classic, the Overwatch 2 5v5 announcement, and the pros and cons of power creep as new content patches drop during an expansion.