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Megan O'Neill

Megan O'Neill @_poneria — Megan likes setting Mages on felfire, cursing, soccer, writing, and occasionally slaughtering demons in Diablo 3. She's been playing her original Warlock since 2008 and raiding since tier 7. She beat the Warlock columnist curse and has advocated for Defense with the Dark Arts in other Warlock guides like at Wowhead and in the Official Warlords Strategy Guide.

9 important Diablo 3 gear stats

Class build guides will take care of very specific stats to acquire on gear, but I feel it's important as a Diablo 3 player to understand why we pick the stats we do. Players should be able to experiment with different builds by generally knowing how to support those builds with their gear without needing a precise gearing manual or spreadsheet at hand.

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