BlizzCaps: Way down in the hole
Submitter Zasza of Decoden on Aszune (EU-H) writes, "Standing at the bottom of the mostly dry well, Zasza contemplated her choice of companions.
BlizzCaps: I’m gettin’ drunk with or without you
Today's submitter writes, "While Drunkshot of The Queue on Nesingwary (US-A), played by Technoskald of, well, the Queue, digs around for the Explorers' League, he ran across a reminder that sometimes you need to get up from drinking and fishing ...
BlizzCaps: Death becomes them
Submitter Gimmlette writes, "If EVER there was an achievement tailor-made for Spectacular Death of Llane (US-A), it's the newest one, "It All Makes Sense Now".
BlizzCaps: Circular reasoning
"I don't know if something similar to this has been featured on BlizzCaps since the pre-patch has been released, but here you go!" writes submitter Flux of Balnazzar (US-H).
BlizzCaps: Hello, goodbye
"Normally I like to dress my Paladin in armor befitting his holy intentions, regardless of his choice of spec," writes submitter Paladave of Garona (US-A), honorary member Of The Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Someday we’ll be together
Submitter Tim writes,"Aw, look!
BlizzCaps: Boogie shoes
Submitter Dorelei of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "As a lead investigator for the Kirin Tor, it is my duty to expose that Bran Bronzebeard's supposed fascination with Titan technology was all a ruse.
BlizzCaps: You’ll no longer burn to be brothers in arms
Today's submitter writes, "After years of enduring ridicule from his plate-wearing brother, DorfWander of Lightbringer (US-A) finally learned to use his grandfather’s sword.
BlizzCaps: No accounting for taste
Submitter Seymon writes, "So, apparently Garona likes this statue.
BlizzCaps: Opposites attract
Submitter Jerald of Gallywix (US-A) has tamed Thok the Bloodthirsty, and is recalling old times less than fondly.