Lore Watch Podcast: Should a new MMO expansion wrap up dangling plot threads?
This week, we explore how many stories in WoW have been left in limbo as the next expansion brings in all new stories in all new places, possible secret motives held by Odyn, and if the Void Lords are actually The First Ones.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: When is the Dragonflight prepatch launch date and what’s included?
This week we discuss the two-part Dragonflight prepatch that rolls out on October 25, the launch of the new digital card battler Marvel SNAP, and which games stay in beta/early access too long.
Tavern Watch Podcast: One D&D play testing brings welcome changes
In this month's episode, we discuss the recent One D&D playtest changes to Bards, Rangers, and Rogues, as well as the addition of rules for handling more social, less combat oriented campaigns.
Tavern Watch Plays Witchlight 09: In which Anne Stickney joins the crew
Welcome back to another Feywild adventure as our crew of D&D players continue their adventures through the Witchlight Carnival playing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight with Joe, Matt, Andrew, and now Anne, with DM Liz.
Lore Watch Podcast: Is Elune a dreaming world soul that has yet to awaken?
This week, we explore the concept of Elune as a Titan that has not yet awakened, the pantheon of death in Shadowlands as Titans that were killed before their world soul awakened, and if Azeroth really is the final Titan.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: What WoW could learn from Diablo Immortal’s battle pass system
This week we discuss the probably launch date of the Dragonflight prepatch, Overwatch 2’s launch still being super buggy, and the implications of tagging mobs no longer being faction restricted.
Lore Watch Podcast: The common origins of Shamanism, Druidry, and Arcane Magic in WoW
This week, we explore how all the magic systems in World of Warcraft can be traced back to the same source, the story behind the Stormrage name, and what story we would like to see if WoW were a single-player RPG title.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Will every game get a battle pass now?
This week we discuss the Overwatch 2 launch, Dragonflight’s newly announced release date, the return of the need/greed looting system to WoW, and the problem of battle passes.
Lore Watch Podcast: The impact of Shadowlands on Death Knights
This week, we explore how Dragonflight fits into the Dawn of the Aspects stories, if Odin has secret plans for the dragon aspects, and how Shadowlands affects the Eternal Hunger of Death Knights.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Wrath Classic launch and what’s next for Classic servers
This week we discuss the Wrath Classic launch as well as ideas for future Classic servers, the new Hearthstone mini-set allowing ranked play against AI opponents, the new leveling-friendly Terror Zones in Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Legendary Crest update in Diablo Immortal, and the upcoming launch of Overwatch 2 that comes with a new anti-toxicity feature. You can listen to the podcast directly from this post or click on download icon in the upper right corner of the player below to listen on your own device.