Character Development
How important are narrative choices to you?
World of Warcraft has been around for a long time, and players have happily been running errands for NPCs throughout every expansion.
Know Your Lore: BlizzCon and the nature of new lore reveals
In just a few short days, BlizzCon 2017 will be here -- and with it, a cavalcade of announcements.
Role Play: Accents and other quirks in roleplay
World of Warcraft has a wide variety of playable races to choose from.
Role Play: Roleplaying a member of the Army of the Light
Patch 7.3 has arrived, and with it a new faction -- the Grand Army of the Light.
Role Play: Are you sabotaging your roleplay?
You might be new to roleplaying, with a brand-new character looking for interaction.
Role Play: Roleplaying the extraordinary
As I said when I started this column, you can roleplay whatever you want. But when you leap out of the realm of ordinary roleplay, you’ve got a difficult task ahead. The question of just how far you’ll go is entirely up to you -- but roleplay isn’t necessarily about you. So how do you come up with an unconventional character? And how do you roleplay that character, and get other people to participate?
Role Play: Roleplaying the ordinary
In World of Warcraft, and Legion in particular, the story is all about fantasy and heroic deeds.
Role Play: Showing vs. telling in roleplay
Sure, a good story is meant to be shared -- but how do you effectively tell that story in your roleplay, without giving everything away?
Role Play: Conflict in roleplay
You might think of conflict as a negative term -- after all, it’s primarily used in situations where things are going wrong.
Role Play: When styles collide
There are a wide variety of roleplaying guilds, groups, and organizations out there in World of Warcraft.