Class Preview
Lightsworn: Retribution changes in Legion
Being one of the first classes to be covered in Blizzard’s Legion class preview series really threw me off.
Encrypted Text: Making sense of the Legion Rogue class preview
Looks like WoW's Rogues are about to get a lot roguier.
Spiritual Guidance: Holy and Discipline Priests in Legion
We received our class preview for the upcoming Legion on Tuesday.
Lightsworn: Protection Paladin changes in Legion
What changes we are receiving though will have repercussions for how our beloved spec plays and how we will be tanking with our characters in the next expansion. Some of these repercussions are good, some are concerning. It’s a little too early to begin worrying, considering nothing is finalized yet. However, a good tank is always prepared for whatever can be thrown at them, and this is nothing different.
Totem Talk: Analyzing Legion’s changes to Elemental and Restoration Shaman
With all of the news from the most recent BlizzCon, there wasn’t nearly enough time to give every class enough discussion time.