🔒 Watching Blizzard: Everything is happening
Monday has come and gone like the tide, and as I write this, we're already zooming towards maintenance time — and another week of story bombs.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s the end of the week! Somehow!
How did we get here?
🔒 Watching Blizzard: No, really, what are we supposed to do for two weeks?
Rossi posed the question of what everyone's doing before the WoW expansion launches and, honestly, I don't know.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Want news? We’ve got news
Monday newsday!
🔒 Watching Blizzard: We’re all about Overwatch League (again)
If you've been reading these silly things for long, you know how much I like to wax poetic about my favorite underdog Overwatch League team, the Shanghai Dragons.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: No one tell her
So, do you think High Inquisitor Whitemane in Heroes of the Storm knows she became a Death Knight in WoW?
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Also there’s a chicken
In the Boomsday Project trailer, poor Peter Whalen was turned into a chicken and I don't think anyone is sufficiently worried about that.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Everything’s coming up Peacebloom
There's a lot going on out in the world of Blizzard, but it's a relatively quiet day on Blizzard Watch.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: The word of the day is…
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s all about the sparkle
Who's ready for the weekend?