BlizzCaps: The tree of life
"The Arcandor, stable and in full bloom," writes submitter Kasali of Decoden on Azsune (EU-H).
BlizzCaps: Aren’t you a little short to be an elf?
"Back during the Third War Illidan was recruiting everyone to be Demon Hunters, even Dwarves," writes submitter Jerec of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Beauty school dropout
Submitter Tim figured that the barbershop in Dalaran could use some new blood.
BlizzCaps: Grin and bear it
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "It is a very rare occurrence when running old raids -- like Ulduar, for Mimron's non-existent head mount -- but sometimes your mom calls or the kitten jumps up on the desk and demands your attention, or you knock over your tea and it's headed toward the keyboard so you have to clean it up, where you find yourself mind-controlled and dying ...
BlizzCaps: There’s got to be a morning after
Submitter Perry writes, "The morning after a successful guild Pantless Tram Ride and evening at the Darkmoon Faire, we see Connacher and Brighide (and Lil' Nyarlathotep) performing a flawless example of the Spectacular Death Wakeup™ -- face-down in the mud next to a tentacle beast." Want to see your picture here on BlizzCaps?
BlizzCaps: There’s a party in their pants and no one’s invited
"Sunday, January 8th was the Global No Pants Subway Ride, a 'performance art' piece started in 2002 by Improv Everywhere based in New York City," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The devil you know
Submitter Netherbane of the Queue too on Nesingwary (US-A) has a cautionary tale to tell: "This was not in the contract!" Netherbane growled.
BlizzCaps: Father and child reunion
"This poor little guy had gotten lost," writes submitter Lockengwen of Know Your Horde on Nesingwary (US-H).
BlizzCaps: Straight to hell
"Helya had given her word, and they'd met all the demands," writes submitter Asaani of The Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Now she’s gone, love burns inside me
"I've always loved the fire effects in this game, even though I've never enjoyed playing a Fire Mage," writes submitter Ammariss of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).