BlizzCaps: Fall
Ah, fall!
BlizzCaps: I will follow him
Submitter Starbück of Nesingwary (US-A) liked her story from the Queue so much that she decided to submit it to BlizzCaps!
BlizzCaps: Pearl of the quarter
Everyone likes a surprise!
BlizzCaps: The only evidence of the massacre
"You never know what you're going to see in this game," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Anyway, we’re almost grown
There's nothing that can ruin a romantic date like an overly zealous chaperone.
BlizzCaps: Time after time
Submitter Escamillo of Argent Dawn (US-H) is more than ready for Legion.
BlizzCaps: The world turned upside down
Submitter Lokran of Aggramar (US-H) writes, "This is an odd little bug I happened upon in doing the Love is in the Air dailies.
BlizzCaps: The bear necessities
Submitter Skywatcher of Argent Dawn (US-H) writes, "Here's my Tauren hunter settling down for a little nap on his new bed.
BlizzCaps: The crow on the cradle
"I would have sent this earlier if I knew it was Pepe's birthday, but I thought maybe I'd sent too many Pepe pictures lately," writes submitter Ezria of Bladefist (US-A).
BlizzCaps: We must be swift as a coursing river
Submitter Yanzhong of The Mist on Argent Dawn (EU-A) writes, "My Pandaren monk has been feeling homesick and yearns for somewhere she can keep her master's memory alive by training like they did back on the Wandering Isle.