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So Many Eyes

The Queue: I always feel like my axe is watching me

So last night this dropped. Combined with the 2h weapon from my Proudmoore Admiralty emissary chest, I have two 445 weapons, which is doing pretty well for my very casual self in my very casual raid. But on perusing my transmog collection, I now realized I have Sk’shuul Vaz, Dark Edge of Insanity and Xal’atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl. I’m pretty sure this means I have every 2h axe that has a big eye (or several) sticking out of it in the entire game.

I feel like Dark Edge is my formal eyeball axe, Xal’atoh is my party eyeball axe, and Sk’shuul Vaz is my casual eyeball axe. This is the Queue. How many eyes is too many, really?

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