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Tyrande Again

The Queue: All of the lore should be available in the game

I read all the tie in novels. I watch all the movies and cinematics. I pick up all the Chronicles, and I not only owned World of Warcraft The Roleplaying Game (it is, in fact, on a shelf in my office right now) but I bought Warcraft The Roleplaying Game back in 2003, a year before World of Warcraft even existed. I’m the guy who told everyone to buy Wolfheart and Stormrage. I own the Warcraft movie.

So when I say that I believe that you should be able to get all the lore you need to understand World of Warcraft by playing it, I’m speaking as someone who has made a concerted effort to pursue lore sources outside of that game. Absolutely none of that should be necessary. Blizzard has made strides, but they aren’t there yet, and I think they really need to be.

Anyway, it’s the Queue. I miss talking about prehistoric animals.

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