Wow Classic Season Of Discovery Phases
How to earn Wild Offerings to get a new Rune and high-level gear in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3
World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3 has added a new currency, Wild Offerings, that players can use at a new vendor in Felwood, the Shadowtooth Emissary, to purchase high level near-raid quality items and Darkmoon cards.
Yet another reason to play a Warlock: Warlocks get their own treasure-seeking imps in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3
WoW Classic Season of Discovery has added a significant amount of new items in all the released phases so far, and surely we have a lot more to find but as of Phase 3 Warlocks specifically are in for a small treat, or rather, many small treats.
How to complete Nightmare Incursions, Season of Discovery Phase 3’s PVE event
Nightmare Incursions are a zone PVE world event that was added to WoW Classic Season of Discovery in Phase 3.