Wow Roleplaying Guide
Role Play: How to run a roleplaying event
Maybe it's the end of the expansion and you're feeling the lull that usually strikes somewhere between the last big patch and the next release of content.
Role Play: How to approach roleplayers
So you've gotten all of the character creation out of the way and come up with an amazing story for your new roleplaying character.
Role Play: How to encourage new roleplayers
If you've been roleplaying for years, chances are you've encountered new roleplayers before -- people who have obviously not tried to roleplay before, whether they didn't have the chance to, or if they're new to the game.
Role Play: Half breeds and roleplay
Usually when you're creating a character, you want to make something unique, distinctive -- something nobody's really ever seen before.
Role Play: Roleplaying origins and Demon Hunters
I had an interesting question pop up in the Queue last week regarding roleplaying origins and, more specifically, the upcoming Demon Hunter class we'll be seeing in Legion.
Role Play: Dropping character while roleplaying
Roleplaying in World of Warcraft can be a lot of fun, whether it's random walk-up roleplay or roleplaying with a large group of friends.