BlizzCaps: Profaning sacred ground
"While Delas Moonfang persuaded the Paladins to help us, I toured their Light's Hope Chapel," writes submitter Neile of Ravenguard on The Sentinels (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Dino-mite
Submitter Rabbdoa of Forscherliga (EU-H) writes, "I should have counted those raptors before they hatched - despite what they say.
BlizzCaps: More fun than a barrel of Murlocs
"Running old raids for mounts can be a lonely business, so to make it more fun our guild likes to go together and we like to bring toys, lots of toys!" writes submitter Zylostout of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Just in time for Thanksgiving
"Why is this little guy not a battle pet?" asks submitter Daisemiin.
BlizzCaps: Gone again
"While running Ulduar for the nonexistent mount, Mimiron's Head (it's been years), my guild herald and I decided to see Algalon," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The fel corgi conspiracy
"The WoW 12th Anniversary has been on for a few days now, and I keep forgetting to visit the Lorekeepers to get those nice, easy Timewalking Tokens," writes submitter Ammariss of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The beautiful game
"This is not a Photoshop," writes submitter Epicurian of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
Role Play: Priest roleplay in Legion
Priests have been in the game since day one.
BlizzCaps: The tiger in the living room
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) has a cautionary tale for wannabe big cat enthusiasts: "'Stay out of the tiger pit,' the strats say.
BlizzCaps: The once and future queen
"All hail the one true queen of Azeroth!" exclaims submitter Jordan.