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DiscussionMar 19, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: How do you prefer to get your Seals of Fate?

I find that the only use I have for Apexis Crystals is to turn them into Seals of Fate, but that by far isn’t the most popular way among people I know, who seem to vastly prefer using honor points. This has me wondering how you, the readers at home (or out, you could be reading this on your phone) go about getting your Seals. Do you drop all your Apexis? Mix it up, with gold, Apexis, and then honor? Do you prefer getting them from the occasional follower mission and otherwise not bothering? Come, share with us your process.

This of course assumes you bother – I’m told by at least a few people that they don’t, that the Seals just end up rerolling gold so they stopped making an effort to get them. I get that, but I can’t help it – two bites of the apple are just so appealing on certain bosses that I can’t resist.

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