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The War Within > WoWJun 20, 2024 10:00 am CT

Fight off the memories of Azeroth in the Radiant Echoes prepatch event for The War Within

As is traditional in World of Warcraft, the “prepatch,” or the systems patch prior to The War Withinpatch 11.0.1 — comes with a limited-time event with gear and collectibles. Dubbed the “Radiant Echoes,” players will journey among the three zones of Searing Gorge, Dragonblight, and Dustwallow Marsh to defeat Azeroth’s memories of previous encounters.

The event begins with a quest to visit Khadgar in the Legion version of Dalaran. From there you’ll head to the zone that is currently active with Radiant Echoes to complete vignette-style activities and collect Residual Memories (the currency for the event). The format is the event is as follows:

  • Phase 1: Defeat the Congealed Memories. This spawns at the beginning of the event in one location, and while likely not soloable it does not require a full raid team to defeat. As the Congealed Memories is dps’d down “Remembered” mobs will spawn that need to be killed as well, although they are pretty weak.
  • Phase 2: Eliminate the Remaining Memories. After the Congealed Memories is defeated, six vignettes will spawn across the zone map. The requirements at each location are different — some may have you kill the memory of a powerful boss like Jaraxxus, or something as simple as collecting 100 pieces of lumber. Being present for the completion of the vignette can reward you with an item or a “zone memory” that is used to craft an heirloom ring (see below) in addition to Residual Memories.
  • Final Phase: Defeat the zone’s “Remembered” boss. After all six memory vignettes have been completed, an Azeroth’s memory version of a boss will spawn — Ragnaros in Searing Gorge, the Lich King in Dragonblight, or Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh.

The event lasts for 90 minutes in each zone, after which it despawns regardless of progress. If the final boss is defeated before time expires the event effectively ends, although remembered mobs will continue to spawn until the full 90 minutes have completed. This allows players to farm additional Residual Memories, although the drop rate is low (one from regular mobs and five from elite mobs). So far it does not appear that items can drop from anything but the completion of vignette or the Remembered zone boss.

While the event is active there will be a vendor selling gear and collectibles for Residual Memories, as well as a portal back to Dalaran. Note that the portal is currently unidirectional — you can get to Dalaran but you can’t return.

Collect numerous rewards, including new mounts and void versions of the Argus questing armor

As with other pre-patch events, Radiant Echoes provides a good number of collectibles for players to acquire while active. Remembrancer Amuul in Dalaran (Legion version, found in the Chamber of the Guardian below the mage tower) is the main vendor from whom you can buy items with the Residual Memories currency. In addition there are vendors located at the staging areas — where the portal back to Dalaran is — that also sell the items, although they are only up when the event is active in their zone.

The mounts and pets look like the other denizens of the event: transparent blue with gold bordering, making their appearances unique.

Armor can be purchased and sent to any of your characters, although they require level 70 to equip — however they are Veteran gear and can be upgraded. The armor appearances match the Argus questing ensembles, albeit with a Void flavor. Each of the four armor appearances have to be collected separately.

  • Head, Chest, Legs: 5000 Residual Memories
  • Shoulders, Hands, Waist, Feet:  3500 Residual Memories
  • Back, Wrist: 2000 Residual Memories

Jewelry options are also available for every slot, including some modest trinkets. These pieces each cost 2000 Residual Memories, and like the armor can be upgraded.

Weapons are sold for Residual Memories as well. Transmog appearances vary, but they appear to all be unique looks with most of them having a Dalaran/Kirin Tor flavor.

  • Two-handed weapons/ranged: 8000 Residual Memories
  • Main hand caster weapons: 5000 Residual Memories
  • One-handed melee weapons: 4000 Residual Memories
  • Off-hand/shields: 3000 Residual Memories

There is a new heirloom ring available from the event similar to the Unstable Elemental Confluence from the Dragonflight prepatch event. The Band of Radiant Echoes is crafted with the purchase of a Lifeless Stone Ring from Remembrancer Amuul for 25 Residual Memories that you then combine with essences farmed from each of the three zones. The essence is created by combining 20 memories, meaning you’ll need 60 total memories across the three zones in order to craft the heirloom ring. Memories can drop from the vignettes during the second phase of the event, or from the final boss. Fortunately the memories from the zones can be sent to other characters in your Warband so you don’t need to do the event on only one character.

Finally there are two bags available for purchase for 2000 Residual Memories apiece: a 32-slot bag called the Defender’s Hefty Satchel, and the Recruit’s Reagent Bag which is a 30-slot reagent bag.

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