WoWFeb 4, 2015 8:35 pm CT
Hotfixes for February 4: Foundry bosses and guardian druids

Tonight we have more bug fixes and adjustments for Blackrock Foundry bosses, including a very nice fix for Gruul that small groups will appreciate. Guardian druids also received a damage buff to Mangle. The full list of fixes can be found below.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)
- Druid
- General
- [Hotfix in testing] Mangle’s damage has increased by 27%.
- General
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Blackrock Foundry
- Gruul
- Gruul now uses Petrifying Slam against 5 targets in a 10-player raid, scaling up to 10 targets in a 30-player raid (used to be 8 targets on all difficulties).
- Hans’gar & Franzok
- Fixed an issue that could cause Beastlord Darmac to despawn immediately once defeated.
- Mages should no longer be able to incorrectly Blink through the ramp at the end of the room.
- Beastlord Darmac
- Fixed an issue that could cause Beastlord Darmac despawn immediately once defeated.
- Operator Thogar
- Operator Thogar should now be immune to damage during the start of the encounter until he jumps down onto the tracks.
- Iron Maidens
- Admiral Gar’an should no longer interrupt herself while using Deploy Turret.
- Blackhand
- Players should no longer be able to avoid Incendiary Shot on the balconies in Stage Two.
- Gruul
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