WoWFeb 6, 2015 7:35 pm CT
Hotfixes for February 6
![World of Warcraft hotfixes](
Hotfixes are out for this evening! Highlights include more revisions to Blackrock Foundry and a bug fix to EotS that I haven’t experienced yet. But hey, one bug fix is better than no bug fix.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Blackrock Foundry
- Blackhand
- [Requires a realm restart.] Siegemaker’s Black Iron Plating is now removed by Slag Bomb. Slag Bomb’s damage dealt to Siegemakers now scales up based on the number of players in the Raid. To adjust for this change, damage dealt to Siegemakers has been reduced for Impaling Throw by 20% and Slag Bomb by 30% (but damage still scales up based on Raid size).
- Blackhand’s Impaled effect should no longer be incorrectly removed by abilities that remove damage-over-time effects.
- Shaman’s Searing Totem and Liquid Magma should now correctly target Iron Soldiers while on the balcony.
- Fixed an issue where Exploding Iron Star may sometimes not trigger or deal damage during the transition to Stage Two.
- Blackhand
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Sentry Cannons now self-destruct on Heroic difficulty when a player with Engineering uses Safety Protocols.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Eye of the Storm: Fixed an issue where Horde players were unable to capture the flag at Mage Tower.
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