Adam Holisky
A Resignation and Reflection: My watch has ended, but my work for you has only started
After 12 years of having the honor to write and create for you and this community, I’m stepping down as the head of Blizzard Watch. Tomorrow I will join Blizzard Entertainment as a Lead Program Manager on the Battle Net team.
Average WoW Player spends 1,603,044g a year on “nonessentials”
It turns out you all blow 1,603,044g a year on "nonessential" things like flight paths and armor repair.
The Queue: Blizzard’s Shareholders, Twitter Community, and Blizzard Watch Tech
In today's Queue I'm going to deep dive into three questions that I think are interesting and I have some unique perspectives on.
The Queue: Snow day!
It’s a snow day here in Minneapolis. And it’s two weeks into April. That’s just great.
Blizzard’s April Fools 2019
Blizzard has, of course, been up to their usual amazing self during this year's April Fools' Day activities. The community has gotten in on the fun, too. The highlights: World of Warcraft Patch 8.6.7 "DO NOT POST" Patch Notes. WoWHeaD has datamined Lightbound Undead Allied Race, Void-Touched Customizations, and Pepe Goggles. Blizzard Watch is now Mitch Watch (at least on Twitter, he's still working on his site logo). Chris Metzen is running for President.
The Queue: Dungeons and Warcraft
I’m back, let’s jump into the Queue!
The Queue: Watching Blizzard, and then some
We’ll talk some business, we’ll talk some WoW, we’ll Queue.
The Queue: Returning to the ride
Many thanks to Anna for covering The Queue for me while I was out. But that said, I’m glad to be back writing it. Let’s begin!
A five year plan for Blizzard Watch
Hello Friends and Readers, Over the last few weeks we've been busy behind the scenes at Blizzard Watch, rolling out Off Topic posts and plotting away as we always do.
The Queue: Giant Steps
One gigantic step at a time… Right, Diblo?