The Queue: We are all alts

Welcome back to another edition of The Queue, @adamholisky will be your host.
So I just got one of those new Nintendo 3DS XLs. I paid $250 for it, which yes, is a markup. But you know what? It was totally worth it. Everything about it is just amazing; it fits nicely in an adult hands, and the screen is large enough that when I hold it up to my old man eyes it looks great.
I’m 31… and I’m an old man playing on his Gameboy.
BRB. Need to kill some internet dragons.
I work night’s, which pretty much makes me either busy or asleep during raids. Is there any tips for those effectively playing outside their timezone?
Oceanic servers are your friend! They’re pretty well populated and they operate on odd enough timezones for the US that you’ll be able to find a group/guild pretty easily.
I have some friends that moved to them when their lives got flipped and turned upside down, and they’re loving it. Just keep in mind that the times might not match up exactly, so there could be some oddness.
Is the Horde Garrison campaign different from the Alliance version? I’ve only managed to complete it on my Horde main so far, and am wondering whether it’s worth it getting started on one of my Ally alts.
There are some minor differences, but it’s not terribly different. I’d still level up one character of each faction to just experience the whole story, but from what I know the differences in Garrison storylines isn’t much.
Q4TQ: I’ve gotten into this routine of leveling an alt and playing him for about a month or two at end game and then dropping him. And then the cycle repeats. I enjoy leveling for a lot of reasons, the story and the graphics and simply making something
Am I alone in doing this or are others as insane as me?
Truth be told you’re not alone, and we’re not all that insane. World of Warcraft is at its best when its telling a story; the story is incredibly complex and long (it’s something along the lines of A Song of Ice and Fire size now — I can’t remember where I read the stat, but the actual text of WoW is gigantic).
You’re not going to get that entire story in just one run through of the game, you’re going to need to go back and play it several times from different perspectives to get the complete picture. This leads to things like having 10 alts, all at different levels of completion. Or, if you’re like me, creating an entirely new character just to go back and play through the entire game again to brush up on lore that you haven’t touched in 10 years.
None of this is bad. Blizzard is one of the best world makers out there, and what they’ve done with the game is astounding. Much like classics such as Baldurs Gate and Mass Effect (and in my opinion, even Halo), good stories trump graphics and gameplay any day. It encourages you to replay thing, live the moments again, pick up new revelations; just like that amazing book you want to read again (I’m about to do that with Dune).
So your altism is just you enjoying the story and the gameplay. Embrace it. Ignore what everyone else is doing and let WoW be the game you want it to be.
Q4tQ: so when things are finalized for column contributors, will there be a “Masthead page” ( maybe with contact info)?
Yes. We’ve got about everyone ready, and we’re getting to the point where things like the about page are nearing the top of the priority list.
Seriously, the last few weeks have just been insane. Besides myself switching day jobs around and launching this business, I’ve been getting over the respiratory flu and trying to code as much of the backend stuff as possible before next Monday when I go out to NY to start the new gig.
I think we’re in good shape though. We’ve actually just contracted someone to take over Marketing for us and work on revenue growth through sponsorship and ad sales, so I’m feeling pretty good about where we’re at right now.
And as usual, thank you for your support; either through Patreon, PayPal, or just visiting. It means the world to us.
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