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DiscussionMar 17, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Your little gaming annoyances

Sure, I like World of Warcraft, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things about the game that bug me. Maybe they aren’t game-breaking, but still, the game is full of small annoyances that I’ve learned to either fix with addons or ignore over the years. One of my biggest annoyances, though, are graphical errors where things crop through things in a way they shouldn’t, which can make helms, shoulders, and weapons, in particular, display oddly.

Since I love taking screenshots — even more so with the new selfie camera functionality — it always drives me nuts when I find a new cool item for my character… but it crops through my face. Transmog helps by letting me pick the items that do look right, but whenever I run into something that’s obviously mangled, I just have to pause, take a deep breath, and remind myself that it’s not worth getting upset over. (Or good for my blood pressure, either.) So today let’s talk about all of our little gaming annoyances: what drives you up a wall where your favorite game is concerned?

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