The Queue: Gold and Garrisons, Revamping Silithus, Useless First Aid?
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
For today’s Queue, I am entirely sourcing all of the questions from yesterday’s Queue. No Twitter, no emails, no nothing. Let’s see what happens. Oh, and that header image is from The Death and Return of Superman and it’s totally a Blizzard game. No, really, it is. And it was actually a pretty good game, too.
Q4tQ: Do you think Silithus needs a revamp? As far as I can tell, it’s the only zone that had virtually no changes to its quests, other than removing a whole bunch of stuff (the Abyssal Council, Emissary Roman’khan, etc). Also, the fact that you get a teleport to the Blasted Lands as soon as you enter the zone makes me think Blizz just wants people to get out of the zone as quickly as possible.
Well, do I think it needs a revamp? Not really. Silithus is barely even a zone nowadays – as you point out, you get a portal out to the Blasted Lands so fast, it barely feels like there’s any reason to be there at all. Now, would I like to see a revamp? Sure would. Basically, what I’d like is for Silithus and a few other zones (Arathi comes to mind) to get some max level love, perhaps in the next expansion. There’s almost nothing in some of these zones, and seeing Silithus’ story move forward from the days of AQ would be nice. I mean, the story didn’t even move in Cataclysm, and that expansion was full of Twilight’s Hammer and Old Gods.
I especially think the revelation that we got in Cataclysm that AQ was originally a Titan facility connected to the Uldum ones like the Halls of Origination means we’re well past due to see some story around that. Perhaps the Tol’vir could mount an expedition to rescue their people who were trapped and transformed into Obsidian Destroyers (or, failing that, put them out of their misery)? And if C’thun is ‘dead’ how come he could still talk to Cho’gall in Bastion of Twilight?
QFTQ: I’ve nearly got my followers to 675 iLvl, and mostly because of habit still run the War Mill work orders. Do I need any of these follower upgrades? Will they have any use in 6.2?
I’d hold onto them until 6.2 just in case they change their minds or make a surprise announcement, but as of right now, no. There’s no compelling reason to do that.
Ever since I started leveling a Warrior (thank you Rossi) I noticed that First Aid is almost completely useless since the stat squish. My question is this, what are some ways to make First Aid viable as a Secondary Profession again? This is my first ever question for The Queue. Love that work you’ve been doing and hope to see you around for years to come.
That’s a tough one. I honestly don’t know, to be honest – I haven’t even bothered to level it on my 90 to 100 characters, much less my alt monk on the leveling stream. There’s just no compelling reason to do it – you don’t take a lot of damage, you heal up fast enough without them, if things get really hairy you can usually stop and eat. This is one of the consequences of the item squish I don’t think anyone really thought about, and I don’t know what we could do. Maybe make it so bandages applied temporary health for a few minutes like a stamina buff after you used them?
And I’m not sure I’ve actually done you any favors, but you’re welcome.
Q4tQ: what do you feel is the best set up for a garrison if you want it to primarily be a source to make gold?
Oh my God am I the wrong guy to ask. But since Mythriak answered you and that answer seems to be correct, I’ll reproduce it here.
Treasure Hunter Followers, Salvage Yard, Inn and Dwarven Bunker
This seems to be the consensus among those I know who use their garrison to generate cash.
Okay, well, here’s the thing. Farahlon (also known as the Fields of Farahlon) was a large island off of the coast of Draenor with several draenei settlements. In our timeline it was completely wrecked by the destruction of Draenor and creation of Outland, and the fragments of the place became known as Netherstorm. For a lot of old school WoW nerds like myself, we’ve wondered what Farahlon was like since 2007, and we were really interested in seeing it – there were various eco-domes in Netherstorm that may or may not have preserved some of the original biome of the place before the Twisting Nether ripped the place apart.
Farahlon is basically a land of mystery with a connection to a very cool zone from The Burning Crusade and a lot of us wanted to get to see it, that’s all.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today. Seems like we survived my experiment. Thanks for some good questions! See y’all Friday, and ask Alex some good questions for tomorrow please.
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QFTQ: i’ve been wondering again about Farahlon since Alex brought it up, but after my research on google i didn’t get more wiser about what might be so important about the place.
i know we cant go there (yet), and it’s of some importance to be named, but what for?
could i get some more info from you?