The Queue: The most dangerous question

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
I can’t seem to find definitive info… is the rep bonus of the lvl 3 trading post account wide?
The reputation bonus from having a level 3 Trading Post in your garrison is not account-wide. Once you’ve unlocked the level 3 blueprint, it will be unlocked account-wide, but the bonuses provided are per-character. Every character will need to build their own trading post if you want the reputation bonus on all of them.
What are you going to do first in Tanaan Jungle?
I have no idea. Seriously. I did a bit of it on the PTR, but I specifically did not plot an ideal route or decide what I want to do first. It’s been too long without a significant chunk of new solo content. I’m going to go to Tanaan, pick up my quests, and go wherever the wind takes me. Will I focus on those quests? Will I get distracted by rares or treasures? Who knows! I’m excited to dive in and just play.
How do you start Tanaan Jungle? I know there is a shipyard (a one hour build time?); where is the entrance?
Yesterday, we posted a brief article explaining exactly that! An even more brief version: when you log in, you’ll be given the first quest in a chain to unlock your shipyard. Once your shipyard is built, you’ll get the quest to go to Tanaan. Your shipyard is how you get to Tanaan the first time.
I understand we do a ship quest to open the Tanaan zone. Does it all open at once, or in stages like Thunder Isle?
On the PTR, it was all open at once. I’ve seen nothing suggesting that will change on live realms.
…New York or Chicago pizza?
I usually defend Chicago-style pizza with violence because New Yorkers inspire such violent reactions with their pizza snobbery. They get going about pizza and it triggers something primal which tells me they are a threat and I must defend my territory. However, both pizza styles have their purpose. New York pizza is a lot more like street food. You grab a big sloppy slice, fold it in half, and go frolicking through the city with it, as New Yorkers do. Chicago-style pizza is a Midwestern sit-down baked dish you’d eat with friends or family, a deep, savory meal like a lasagna or a casserole or whatever other family traditions you might have. New York-style pizza is go-go-go. Chicago-style pizza is hey, slow down.
There’s room in one’s life for both forms of pizza and every form of pizza in between. Pizza is life. Anybody who dismisses a form of pizza outright is just being a snob for the sake of snobbery.
And now that I’ve mentioned pizza, I’ve absolutely ruined the comments for whoever is writing The Queue tomorrow. Sorry, buddy!
… wait, I’m writing The Queue tomorrow. Crap.
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