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HearthstoneAug 4, 2015 8:39 pm CT

Will Hearthstone’s upcoming Crowd Favorite be a crowd favorite?

An card reveal on the Grand Tournament website earlier today showed an upcoming card called Crowd Favorite. It seems to be a more specific version of Questing Adventurer. If left alone, the Crowd Favorite can certainly snowball upwards and be a growing threat.

Warlock Zoo decks might consider including this due to the potential number of Battlecry cards included with the deck:

Whether or not it’ll be strong enough on its own to replace cards in other decks remains to be seen. Questing Adventurer doesn’t see any competitive play at all because opponents can simply run their minions into it before it becomes a larger threat. However, the Crowd Favorite comes in with a slightly heftier health size. A 4/4 isn’t something you can simply ignore particularly if a player can follow up with a Battlecry the same turn they play Crowd Favorite.

Matt’s verdict: Too early to say. Don’t dust it, but don’t go out of your way to craft it. Wait and see how it plays out.

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