New Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament cards revealed at Gamescom

Gamescom is in full swing again today and, in addition to the earlier Heroes of the Storm information, Blizzard Entertainment revealed five new cards for Hearthstone‘s The Grand Tournament. These new cards aren’t as flashy as some others they’ve shown off, lacking in both the new Inspire and Joust mechanics, but new is new, right?
Fist of Jaraxxus is a new Warlock card which deals damage when it’s player or discarded. This is the first card we’ve seen with such an ability, potentially turning the hard decision to play that Doomguard into an opportunity — forcing a discard turning into an advantageous combo rather than a tough sacrifice. The new Paladin class card, Warhorse Trainer, applies a +1 Attack buff to Silver Hand Recruits. The Warhorse Trainer continues the trend from prior adventures and expansions with cards such as Muster for Battle — emphasizing the Paladin class ability. Priests get Flash Heal, a 1 mana cost spell that heals 5 health, and Druids get Living Roots. Living Roots is another one of those Druid this-or-that cards, giving you the option to summon two 1/1 Saplings or deal 2 instant direct damage.
Finally, Shaman get Charged Hammer, a weapon with a Deathrattle. When the weapon is used up, your hero power becomes “Deal 2 damage.” For those Shaman who don’t enjoy the totemic playstyle, this is for you. Be warned: the new hero power from Charged Hammer will not benefit from certain other hero power-augmenting cards in The Grand Tournament. Justicar Trueheart, for example, provides a better version of your class ability when she’s played — but she will augment your totem hero power, not the hero power from Charged Hammer.
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