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DiscussionAug 9, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Where would you live in WoW?

Check out this prime piece of real estate. There’s a sweet canopy bed, a private balcony overlooking the beer garden, a personal butler, the inn with a kitchen and bar downstairs for fresh food… what more could you want? I always imagined it sort of as my character’s own apartment while fighting in Northrend.

I’d set up shop here and live an idyllic life in Dalaran. There’s always fresh fruit outside of the inn. I can take a walk to the Antonidas Memorial, hang out in the grassy side coves of the city, get my shopping done in Runeweaver Square or the Commerce Exchange. At dusk, I would walk with Windle Sparkshine as he lights the lamps across the city. The city is centrally located to visit the local scenic sites, within reach of both the hot springs of Sholazar Basin and the snow-capped peaks of Howling Fjord. And, if I’m feeling plucky, I could hop down to Icecrown and take care of a little Scourge.

Dalaran not quite your style? We have plenty of other real estate as well. Peaceful Elwynn Forest, solitary Undercity, bustling Stormwind. For those who dislike the rough seasons we have the eternal spring of Eversong Woods. Dislike the heat? Dun Morogh and Winterspring keep the chill year-round. Check out Darnassus for an artistic balance between urban and nature. Visit the Hinterlands for a rustic getaway up in one of the hunting lodges. Bask in the heat of Durotar or the wide plains of Mulgore. What’s your fancy? We’ve got what you need!

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